How to Practice Closeouts in a 2-3 Zone

Some amateur and beginner in coaching usually plays a 2-3 zone. One of the challenges of that defense is getting out on shooters. They used a closeout drill to simulate the movement of the ball from the top to the wing to the corner. There are two important details for an optimal closeout from the x4 defender in the diagram. First, she needs to bump … Continue reading How to Practice Closeouts in a 2-3 Zone

Players that Grow the Most Exhibit Uncommon Discipline

A question I like to ask coaches is, “Think back on a player that you coached or played with over the course of multiple seasons that improved more than anyone. What are the one or two factors that allowed the player to grow the most?” Most coaches initial answer was these players outwork everyone. Hardly a surprise that improvement is born out of the fruit … Continue reading Players that Grow the Most Exhibit Uncommon Discipline


You’ve heard it before — sports are great for a child’s development. In this post, we thought it would be good to explain how basketball specifically can serve as a foundation for your son or daughter as they get older. Here are five reasons to get your child involved in basketball: Physical fitness Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way first. Kids … Continue reading REASONS TO GET YOUR CHILD INVOLVED IN BASKETBALL

Why We Value Coaching

Improving Skills On and Off the Court It is important for a young athlete to receive guidance during the formative years of their athletic career. That is why coaching plays a crucial role in an athlete’s life. In sports today, coaching shouldn’t only focus on improving the physical aspects and performance of young athletes on the court, we now know and understand the value off … Continue reading Why We Value Coaching

Prepare for when life gets in the way

I remember one time I scheduled my “practice planning session” about an hour before practice. My idea was to spend about 25 minutes planning practice, get all my stuff together (drink bottle, schedule, etc), and then walk to the gym. That would mean I’d arrive about 10 minutes before our team was allowed to step on the court. Perfect. But then… life got in the … Continue reading Prepare for when life gets in the way