How to Beat a 2-3 Zone – 17 Strategies

I want to preface this article with this statement: The 2-3 zone defense should not be allowed in youth basketball. Instead of listing the reasons why in this article, I encourage you to check out Tyler Coston’s article on the subject which has most of them covered in my opinion. The 2-3 zone is the most common zone used in the half-court. For better or worse, it’s … Continue reading How to Beat a 2-3 Zone – 17 Strategies

Cutting to the Basketball + Teaching Aggression

A frustrated youth coach asks two questions that I get this time: “Hi Coach Clint, Do you recommend a drill to encourage the following: 1. Running to the ball rather than standing still 2. Aggression and assertiveness – were too nice! Coach Clint replies: Turnovers are highly frequent in youth basketball. Nearly every time down the floor the basketball either – (1) gets knocked away … Continue reading Cutting to the Basketball + Teaching Aggression