How not to score in 1-on-1 situations

I was watching game-film of an under 15’s game yesterday and I was reminded of this quote from the great Bob Hurley…

“This is basketball, not figure skating. You don’t get extra points for degree of difficulty” – Bob Hurley

Amen, Coach.

What sparked my memory of this quote was a series of mind-numbing dribbling moves performed on the wing by a player early in the shot clock.

Here was his dribbling sequence on the wing…

• Dribble through the legs 3 times.

• Crossover.

• Dribble through the legs 2 times.

• Crossover.

• Behind-the-back step-back three-pointer.

And the shot was easily blocked by the defender (who barely even had to move)…

“What should he have done instead?”

Probably just passed to a teammate and continued the offense…

But if he had to score in a one-on-one situation.

• Squared up to the hoop.

• Read the defender.

• If they have space, shoot.

• If the defender is too close for an open shot, use a shot fake or jab step and then use 2 – 3 dribbles to create a scoring opportunity.

Definitely not dance around with the dribble.

That’s not effective basketball.

There are a number of drills you can use to teach your players how to score effectively (key word) in a one-on-one situation or when a defender’s closing out on them. But the best drill is on page-18 of my guide which shows you how to teach the 5-out motion to your team in 4 weeks.

Get the drill (and the 4-week guide) on this link:

– Coach Clint

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